"Issues and Direction of Platforms for Public Arts Education"
(Presented by Cho Eun-Ah /
Professor, Graduate School of Culture & Arts Management, Chugye University for the Arts)
⦁ The necessity of platforms: There have been continuing demands for a public platform for online arts and culture education. Yet, securing necessary resources, cooperating and building partnerships with experts and copyright issues need to be handled.
⦁ Function of the platform: Based on the analysis of public/private education platforms as well as art and cultural flatforms around the world, we found the followings;
- Public education platforms were often concentrated on providing contents. They had stable systems but lacked art and cultural contents beyond school curriculum.
- Public art and cultural platforms often lacked educational service or archives of educational contents.
-Private arts and culture education platforms offered diversified contents and had a clear target and explicit functions.
⦁ Future directions of public art education platforms: To secure people’s right to learn; to provide quality resource; to motivate and encourage the student’s participation; support teaching artist (mediator) network; to develop multifaceted LMS where knowledge and experience beyond school curriculum can be created and shared.
-Main components and functions to be considered include resource/studying materials, LMS, learning tools (interaction, cooperation) and platform users.
⦁ Major tasks for a successful platform: A comprehensive platform blending both online and offline aspects; to develop platform node contents; resolve intellectual property right issues; to apply edutech; and KACES’s leadership
- The platform must be flexible and responsive with a long-term vision and specific priorities in each stage of the process