International Exchange
KACES expands the value of arts and culture education at the international level through networking and explores visions and prospects for arts education by sharing knowledge and experiences through global partnerships.

International Networking

As a member of UNESCO UNITWIN and the UNESCO Network of Arts Education Observatories in the Asia Pacific Region, KACES is actively participating in international networks of for arts and culture education with various members of the community. Iin order to demonstrate and maintain a leadership role in the field, KACES utilizes these networks to d by gathering and sharing relevant information in both domestic and international contexts; establishing cooperative systems for major institutions by region; and setting the stage for experts to interact with each other.

  • ITAC
    The International Teaching Artist Conference(ITAC) brings together hundreds of attendees including artists, organizations, funders and researchers. While the term “teaching artist” is used in the title, the conference is inclusive and serves all artists who work in educational and community settings, whatever terms they use to describe their roles. The conference is also dedicated to serving those who work with those artists in various capacities, as administrators, advocates, trainers, researchers, funders and partners.

    An ITAC conference includes many sessions—ITAC4 included 173 speakers and presenters, 80 sessions exploring key issues relating to participatory arts practice, and a mix of keynote speeches, panel discussions, curated conversations, practical workshops, round-table discussions, and poster sessions. 305 Delegates came from 28 countries around the world to explore the best thinking and practice in participatory arts /teaching artistry informed by projects, practice and research in the field.

    The UNITWIN Programme <Arts Education Research for Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development> is an Arts Education Research Think Tank. It brings together arts education researchers from various universities and institutions all around the world. Our goal is to promote high quality international research in arts education with the focus on questions of diversity and sustainable development. UNITWIN is a forum for the dissemination of research, the promotion of debates around quality research and the showcasing of exemplary practices. In the network we establish collaborative research projects linked with UNESCO’s goal of Sustainable Development and with regard to the question of the implementation of UNESCO’s <Seoul Agenda: Goals for the development of arts education.

  • CYD
    Building on the 2017 convening in Boston, the Advisory Group will begin to craft a shared language for CYD around the world, as well as build regional networks and collaborations that will support and inform the work. This work will identify the foundations upon which the global field can stand, connect, and grow together. Brought together to cultivate a global exchange around Creative Youth Development and similar practices on every continent, the advisory group will develop the concepts and key topics to inform the World Summit on Creative Youth Development in 2020.

  • AHAP(UNESCO Network of Arts Education OBSERVATORIES in Asia – Pacific region)
    The network was established by UNESCO Bangkok to exchange up–to-date policy & research data in the Asia-Pacific region. KACES has supported various network project, and managed APAH website, since signing an MoU with UNESCO Bangkok. Currently, we are cooperating to facilitate the network, and putting their efforts to enhance the member & quaility of project.

  • WAAE
    The World Alliance for Arts Education is a network of the four organisations: International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA), International Society of Education through Art (InSEA), International Society for Music Education (ISME) and World Dance Alliance (WDA) – a powerful voice for advocacy, networking and research.